What is RecoverMe?
RecoverMe is a mobile health application designed to help those who suffer from a gambling addiction.
Is RecoverMe a medical device?
RecoverMe is not and should not be used as a medical device or in place of professional medical advice. The app helps guide you and are to be used as a tool for self-reflection. It should not be used as a diagnostic or therapeutic tool. The data which is collected from the app cannot be used to diagnose any illnesses.
All information on our apps and website has been created as an educational resource and should not be used as a substitute for proper and personalised professional medical advice or be used to make decisions about your health. Bet on Me cannot answer any medical queries either through the apps or via email or any other means.
Can I download RecoverMe?
Yes, it is available to download on Apple and Google Play stores now.
Where can I download RecoverMe?
RecoverMe will be available to download from the App Store and Google Play.
Do I need the internet to use RecoverMe?
Yes, you need to be connected to the internet to utilise the app, the emergency tab should still be accessible if you are struggling with an internet connection.
How does CBT work?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment used to overcome a gambling addiction. It is the most effective way to manage a gambling addiction. It empowers you to change the way you think, feel and behave towards gambling - giving you an opportunity to control your gambling behaviours.
How can I get RecoverMe for free?
Some operators have purchased licenses of the app. Get in contact with the Responsible Gambling team at your current gambling operator and state that you would like to access the premium version of the app
What do I do if my app is not working?
We recommend you to first check your internet connection as the app requires a working internet connection to work. If not, then we recommend to close the app and reload it. If it still is not working, we recommend to log it with the team at contact@recovermeapp.co.uk or by filling out this form https://forms.gle/ZP3vpizcPiw2tx5r8
How to manage RecoverMe notification settings on Android devices?
The following information is taken from this website.
Option 1: In your settings app
Open your phone's settings app.
Tap Apps and notifications > Notifications.
Under 'Recently sent', find apps that recently sent you notifications.
To find more apps, tap See all.
Tap Advanced.
You can turn off all notifications for a listed app.
To pick specific categories of notifications, tap the app's name.
Tip: If you don't see 'Recently sent', you're using an older Android version. Instead, tap App notifications and tap an app. You can turn notifications, notification dots and notification categories on or off. If an app has categories, you can tap a category for more options.
Option 2: On a notification
To find your notifications, from the top of your phone screen, swipe down.
Touch and hold the notification, and then tap settings
Choose your settings:
To turn off all notifications, tap Notifications off.
Turn on or off notifications that you want to receive.
To allow notification dots, tap Advanced, then turn them on.
If you wish to have further information in managing notification on your Android devices, then we recommend for you to visit this website.
What do I do if my app is crashing?
We recommend getting in contact with our team at contact@recovermeapp.co.uk or by filling out this form https://forms.gle/ZP3vpizcPiw2tx5r8
How do I to request a refund (iOS)?
Refunds on iOS devices are managed via Apple. Below is a link detailing information on how to request a refund.
How do I cancel a subscription (iOS)?
Subscriptions on iOS devices are managed via Apple. Below is a link detailing information on how to cancel your subscription.
How do I request a refund (Android/Google Play)?
Log this with our team at contact@recovermeapp.co.uk with a subject title ‘Requesting RecoverMe Refund’ and we will try to get accommodate to it providing it complies with our End User License Agreement.
How do I cancel my subscription (Google Play)?
Log this with our team at contact@recovermeapp.co.uk with a subject title of ‘Cancel RecoverMe Subscription’ and we will try to get accommodate to it providing it complies with our End User License Agreement.
I would like to leave a review on the app?
You can fill out a survey on your thoughts of the app at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/38HNDLC
I would like to get in contact with someone from the RecoverMe team?
We at RecoverMe believe in building the best product available and welcome any feedback on our product. We believe in constantly improving the app and any suggestions will be taken on board. Contact us through our website, email and rate us on the store.
Filling out a feedback survey would be really helpful.
Email: contact@recovermeapp.co.uk
Website: www.recovermeapp.co.uk Use the Ascend feature on our website and we will try and get back to you as soon as possible.
FAQ: www.recovermeapp.co.uk/faq
Feedback: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/38HNDLC
Is my data protected?
We know that data security is important to you and it is, therefore, important to us. We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your Personal Data, and that of any buddy uploaded into the App, from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed, including up to date virus software and personal protection on our computers and devices. In addition, we limit access to Personal Data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process Personal Data on our instructions in accordance with this policy and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected Personal Data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.
Read further about this with our privacy policy https://www.recovermeapp.co.uk/policy
What is my data used for?
To help perform analysis on the data stored. After conducting these analyses, we will use this information to help improve the app for you, the user.
Where is my data stored?
Your data inputted into our app is saved and sent to our backend where it is safely secured on the platform, Amazon Web Services. If you have further questions about Amazon Web Services, find out more at https://aws.amazon.com/what-is-cloud-storage/ .
Is all personally identifiable data encrypted in transit between the device and any external host storage?
Who should use RecoverMe?
We have made our app to be a self-help tool for those who suffer from a gambling addiction. We feel as though our app could help those who are primarily low-moderate risk on the PGSI scale. Our app has not been made for those who suffer from mental health conditions. Our app has not been made for children. If a parent or guardian finds out that their child is using the app without their consent, then the parent or guardian should contact the RecoverMe team at contact@recovermeapp.co.uk with a subject title of ‘Minor utilising the app without consent’ and evidence detailing it. We will review the request and delete the account if appropriate.
How can I make further enquiries about the companies’ privacy policy?
If you wish to make further enquiries about our privacy policy then get in contact with our team at contact@recovermeapp.co.uk.
What is the evidence base behind RecoverMe?
Multiple studies have shown that CBT reduces the frequency of gambling the severity of a gambling addiction and patients who underwent CBT treatment lose less money compared to those that do not(1). Those who underwent CBT treatment reported an improvement in depression and anxiety symptoms (2) Moreover, CBT is practiced by the National Problem Gambling Clinic in London, UK (https://www.cnwl.nhs.uk/services/mental-health-services/addictions-and-substance-misuse/national-problem-gambling-clinic). Mindfulness has been shown to significantly reduce urges to gamble leading to less gambling activity (3,4) Furthermore, mindfulness has many other benefits, including improved ability to cope with stress and feeling calm, relaxed and patient.
Scientific articles backing these claims
(1) Cowlishaw, S., Merkouris, S., Dowling, N., Anderson, C., Jackson, A. & Thomas, S. (2012). Psychological therapies for pathological and problem gambling. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008937.pub2
(2) Gooding P, Tarrier N. A systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioural interventions to reduce problem gambling: Hedging our bets?. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2009;47(7):592-607. DOI:10.1016/j.brat.2009.04.002
(3) Toneatto T, Pillai S, Courtice E. Mindfulness-Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Problem Gambling: A Controlled Pilot Study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2014;12(2):197-205. DOI:10.1007/s11469-014-9481-6
(4) Chen P, Jindani F, Perry J, Turner N. Mindfulness and problem gambling treatment. Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health. 2014;4(1):2.
(5). Oei T, Raylu N, Casey L. Effectiveness of Group and Individual Formats of a Combined Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Program for Problem Gambling: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 2010;38(2):233-238.DOI:10.1017/s1352465809990701
How often does RecoverMe review the latest evidence?
We at RecoverMe plan on reviewing the latest evidence in helping support those who suffer with a gambling addiction every 6 months. If you have any recommendations for any scientific literature that you would like to see incorporated into our app, then send the article to contact@recovermeapp.co.uk
What risk management processes does RecoverMe employ?
At RecoverMe, we take the safety of our users at paramount importance. Throughout the programme, we signpost users towards other organisations who may be able to help users if they are having suicidal thoughts or struggle with drug addiction. We also further signpost other organisations which may be able to help individuals using the app. It is important to remember that RecoverMe is not and should not be used as a medical device or in place of professional medical advice. The app helps guide you and is to be used as a tool for self-reflection. It should not be used as a diagnostic or therapeutic tool.
All information on our apps and website has been created as an educational resource and should not be used as a substitute for proper and personalised professional medical advice or be used to make decisions about your health. Bet on Me LTD cannot answer any medical queries either through the apps or via email or any other means.
How do we value your feedback?
We at RecoverMe believe in supporting and helping as many people as we can to reduce the symptoms of problematic gambling habits. We are continuously improving the app and would welcome any suggestions for improvement.
In 2019, we conducted an acceptability study and sent out the prototype of our app to a number of current and ex-problem gamblers. We conducted over 60 hours’ worth of interviews in order to determine what we could improve about our app and what features people want. Based on this we iterated the therapy, design and feature list into the app that you can download today. This app has been made with problem gamblers for problem gamblers.
Further to this, we have been sending our app to the Experts By Experience set up by the Gambling Commission and have been getting further feedback on how to improve the app.
How long does it take for RecoverMe to respond to an issue/bug reported?
We at RecoverMe are working with an external company, Appify ltd, to help maintain our app. We will be operating with 8 am to 8 pm response times Monday to Saturday and aim to resolve your issue as soon as possible. As each issue will be unique, we plan on giving you a timescale for resolving the issue once we have identified the issue.
What are the risks of using RecoverMe?
As a mobile app, there are very few risks of using RecoverMe. However, given the nature of the content covered in the CBT programme, you may experience worsening mood or suicidal/self-harm thoughts. We at RecoverMe, encourage you to seek medical attention with your local Emergency Department, General Practitioner or call your local suicide hotline if you experience any of these thoughts. It is important to remember that RecoverMe is not and should not be used as a medical device or in place of professional medical advice. The app helps guide you and is to be used as a tool for self-reflection. It should not be used as a diagnostic or therapeutic tool. Throughout the programme, we signpost users towards other organisations that may be able to help users if they are having suicidal thoughts or struggle with drug addiction. We also further signpost other organisations which may be able to help individuals using the app.
Furthermore, you may experience urges to gamble when reviewing the content of the app, we have taken steps to reduce this as much as possible as the programme has been reviewed by psychologists, psychiatrists and those with lived experience to help reduce any triggers for these urges.